Computers / IT Translations

We take care of software localization and the translation of manuals, training and promotional materials (printed, or for the web), and intranets.


We've embedded into our system multiple quality controls, both internal and external, (so you may verify at all times the status of your projects and receive samples at pre-defined times).


At Aiki-Translations, we provide your organization with a turn-key service, a one-stop solution so you won't have to worry about coordinating any tedious last-minute modifications between linguists and designers


We seek long-term relationship with our customers. The more you work with us, the more you'll save; please check our frequent customer pricing system.

Access a detailed description of our services here, or give us a try now.

Get ready!

Contact us for a non-binding estimate regarding the fee for your project and the turnaround time for its completion. Translation projects usually take longer than most people expect them to, just send us an e-mail and relax! You will have more time and all that you need to make a well informed decision.